
In 1998 FaithWorks was created by a collaboration of churches. Initially, the focus was to help parents get off county assistance by returning to work or school.

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In 2002 Faithworks had a major change some of the major motels that accommodated the homeless population in Redding were closed due to code violations. The City of Redding acted as the Redevelopment Agency and sought a Non-Profit agency to construct and operate a Transitional Housing Facility for homeless families. Faithworks Community Coalition was selected. The City provide a million dollars towards the cost of building, however that would not be enough so the director of FaithWorks Robert Scott started he long journey looking for funding to build Francis Court. In Feb. 2006. Francis Court was opened.

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In 2009 Robert Scott started plans for Francis court II BY 2010 building started for Francis court II, in January 2011 we were able to start housing four more families.

In 2010 Robert started on another vision of starting Veterans housing In 2011 House of Cornelius was opened and began housing veterans in temporary housing.

In 2012 Robert Scott retired, but before Robert left he started the process of opening Francis Court III, current Executive Director Crystal Spencer saw that project to completion in July of 2021.